
Platform C (Platform design for a child participatory decision-making culture in Flanders in times of crisis.)



Emily Mortier

A strong and qualitative local (youth and children's rights) policy requires a shared mindset, policy vision and culture in which the participation of all citizens (and therefore also children and young people) is seen as meaningful, important and non-committal. Despite the many tools, methodologies and strategies available, partners from research, civil society and local governments indicate that such a shared mindset is still lacking. The approach of the COVID-19 pandemic has sharpened the above challenge. For example, the participatory reflex towards children and youth was largely lost during the implementation of the COVID-19 measures. By setting up the project 'Platform C', the Children’s Rights Knowledge Centre (KeKi), Bataljong, Foundation Lodewijk de Raet, Network Youthfriendly, HOGENT and Ghent University want to answer the question how we can work more strongly on the equal citizenship of children and young people in Flanders, Belgium and Europe.